Welcome back to the (apparent) home of the one and only Monthly Update®!! The ol’ computer has finally been fixed and I am happily watching my Episode I DVD for the 10-billionth time while writing this much belated update.
Apparently nobody was fooled by my claim of getting my hair permed. The only response it even provoked was from my Mom who simply asked, “So, where’d you get the wig?” Guess it’s a good thing I don’t play poker.
I did decide to go for a change though and since I enjoyed being blonde back in the day, I thought I’d give it another go. The photo is from Tonia and Phil’s (a couple of ALTs, that’s Tonia in the pic) birthday night out at Hard Rock Cafe. There’s more photos, but I’m going to leave the personal life out of this update and save it for next week. Lots of phun stuph to talk about, but I wanted to hurry up and get something out the door for this week, dig? So let’s get on with it.
- We gots a big one for ya in this week’s Engrish installment. It comes highly recommended by yours truly. 😀
- I put a picture of the actual Hair Flap establishment back up on the Hair Flap!? page. I’m not sure when or why I might have deleted it but it’s back now.
- Got a recently taken OS X desktop snap, which is one of the nicer ones I’ve done, in the newly remodeled Misc. section. There is now a separate page devoted to desktop snaps which is pretty ‘snappy’ looking if I do say so myself (ba-dum-bum!)
- On a completely random note, if you’re even slightly into hip-hop try to find anything by Spooman. They’re some German(I think) rap group that is currently rocking my world. (They’re kind of obscure so you might have to take to audiogalaxy.com or the like.)