We’ve been enjoying our time in Tokyo but next week it draws to a close. We kind of arrived in Japan a little early in terms of Mary’s work, so being here has been an exercise in setting things up to move on to the next step. That next stage being, Sendai!
We’ve gone up a few times, both so Mary can conduct some business and also so we could scout some apartments. On one of those days, my first time in Sendai actually, I wanted to get a feel for the city and what better way to do that than to aimlessly wander around.
I also got the bright idea to use an app on my phone (My Tracks in this case) to GPS track said wanderings so I could look at a map later and see what parts of town I’d stumbled across.
Using GPS tracking also had the welcome benefit of being able to sync up in Lightroom with the timestamps on my photos so I can see where what photos were taken. How cool! Sadly, I don’t know how to turn this into something interactive on the site here but it’s pretty neat nonetheless.
I totally love little scenes like these planters on the sidewalk. Someone obviously took the care to buy this, set it up and care for it somewhat (I mean, the things aren’t dead). But at the same time, is it really that attractive to look at? These poor plants aren’t taken care of too well. The pots, which are mostly plastic, are filthy. At yet, somehow there is a charm there because someone did care enough to put this all here. It’s just so fascinating to look at! I love it!!
More to come from this session in Part 2…