Wow, been a while since the last update. Truth be told, I’ve been struggling to maintain a decent pace of photo output ever since restarting blog operations here. It certainly hasn’t been a challenge getting out and taking photos (there’s always something interesting to see out there) but the processing/editing has been a real drag, due in large part, I’m sad to say, to Lightroom. I’ll probably make a separate post at some point about all this but suffice it to say for now that I’m giving Capture One Pro a try and am really digging it so far.
Christmas is just another day here in Japan so we ended up spending ours in preparation for our upcoming move and went to Osaka to do some apartment hunting. That’s like shopping for presents, right? Kind of?
In any case, I had a camera with me and managed to snap a few targets of opportunity throughout the few days we were there.
And yes, we think we found an apartment we like. And no, it’s not next to the bike in this picture.