Dec 16, 2004 | Commentary, Experiences, Fukuma, Rants, Raves
I would never presume to claim that this site is a valuable source of indispensable information, but I would say that we’ve got some good stuff today. While it’s a subjective interpretation of the JET Programme, I believe it to have value for those...
Jan 27, 2004 | Fukuma, Rants
So, yes, I’m finally back. I hope to back for good now too. I’m not entirely sure why I took such an unusually long break from the site this time; I suspect it was a few factors. A big part of it was that I was simply running low on creative juices and...
Mar 13, 2003 | Culture, Fukuma, Photography
Well, another school year is wrapping up at Higashi Chu. The graduation ceremony is tomorrow already. Yesterday was the last Adopt Program Trash expedition. I think these kids need to graduate more often, because they were getting more trash yesterday then on all the...