Sep 13, 2004 | Fukuma, Kyoto, Photography
So moving on to the Japan/Fukuma-retrospectives, I’ve found it’s been kind of difficult to get around to writing these things up. It’s only been a month since I’ve been back, but Japan seems so long ago already. I’ve been so preoccupied...
Aug 4, 2004 | Fukuma, Photography
Well, I’m moving into the second week of being back in the States and re-Patriotization(sp?) continues unabated. The only snag came a couple of days after getting back when I was brutally blindsided by some American super-sickness that my body has apparently...
Aug 25, 2002 | Experiences, Fukuma, Photography
News Flash Heads up to everyone who just can’t get enough vicarious living in Japan! My dear friend, Nicole, has just recently launched her web site, A Life Less Ordinary. Why do you care? Because she lives in Japan!! Oh yeah, and she’s cute…. that...