Oct 6, 2015 | Area Guides, Experiences, Photography, Sendai
Whenever I find myself in a new environment, particularly in a city, one of the first things I have the irresistible urge to do is get to the highest point I can and survey the area. There’s just no better way to get a handle on how all the areas you’ll...
Sep 13, 2004 | Fukuma, Kyoto, Photography
So moving on to the Japan/Fukuma-retrospectives, I’ve found it’s been kind of difficult to get around to writing these things up. It’s only been a month since I’ve been back, but Japan seems so long ago already. I’ve been so preoccupied...
May 20, 2004 | Photography
Doh! I had two more pics that I inteneded to post yesterday that got lost in the shuffle. The first one is just a little shop on the side of one of the many hills in the city I hiked up. Just thought it looked cool with the stairs and stuff, nothin’ too special....