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by Jan 29, 20020 comments

As if it weren’t bad enough that it was -1 degrees C when I woke up this morning, it was also snowing with up to 60kph gusts of wind(!!). Have I mentioned there’s no heat in my school? I’m definitely sure I’ve mentioned that I ride a bike to work (about a 20 min trip), right? Yeah, I was all about the taxis today.

So anyway, I went to Kumamoto last weekend so let’s just run through the checklist to make sure everything that needed to get done, got done.

✓1. Have a cheap dinner with all-you-can-drink drinks.

✓ 2. Meet old friend from college that looks like a famous hottie.
(Please select applicable hottie)
 Natalie Portman
Jeri Ryan
✓Lucy Liu
Milla Jovovich

✓3. Go to all-you-can-drink karaoke where guy that looks like the lead singer from Jamiroquai dances on the table while belting out Britpop tunes.

4. Beat up yakuza ringleader and take his Benz for a high-speed joy-ride before leaving it parked in front of the police station with a sign in the window that reads, “Commie cops can eat my poo.”

✓ 5. Get alarmingly off my face and spend half the night on the dance floor of Bar S#arp snogging some bird I met only five hours earlier.

Sweet, got almost everything done. There is that pesky number 4 that didn’t get taken care of though, which is really gnawing at the back of my mind. Guess I just have an excuse to go back sometime soon, eh?

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