Well, it’s Thursday night and I’m getting ready for the Hong Kong trip. I’m really starting to get hyped for it. I was looking over my Lonely Planet guidebook today, reading up on the history of Hong Kong and it’s pretty damn fascinating I don’t mind saying.
I guess at one point we’re even considering taking a day trip to the mainland, which sounds kind of scary. I mean, just say the words out loud, “Communist China.” Maybe I’ve just been programmed a little too much, but it kind of freaks me out a little. Remind me not to open my mouth the entire day during that little excursion.
Sadly I don’t have a lot else to say right now. Things have been kind of quiet this past week due to the fact that everyone I know is out of the country for the holidays. It’s not that I haven’t had time to write about anything, it’s that I haven’t had anything to write about. Unless, of course, you want to hear about my tribulations in destroying the hidden Imperial Base in Jedi Outcast. I’m guessing you don’t.
Sooooo, just so you all know, the next time I’m likely to update will be January 13 or thereabouts. On the bright side, there’s sure to be plenty of stories, even more pictures and ….uhhh, yeah I guess that’s it. Stories and pictures. Yeah.
See you on the 13th then?