Suck It, Trebek

by Jul 16, 20040 comments

Man, I really am trying so hard to get some updates in here before I leave! For a change I actually have some things to talk about, but fuck me, there’s NO TIME!!! Argh! I still have barely gotten around to cleaning and packing up this apartment, hair is being ripped out at rates I care not to describe. I’m going to have nothing left to flap in no time!! (Get it, hair… flap… ha ha… -_- )

Anyway, thanks to those that keep loading the site every couple days to see if there’s anything new here. I always keep an eye on the stats and I see that there are indeed some faithful readers out there, thanks!!

IFJust to hold you over until I get back, there’s this little gem that I saw at my favorite take-out restaurant here in town. They have a new item on the menu, tragically named the GooCup(!!) that I snapped a pic of for you dear people. Not sure what’s worse, the name, or that creepy chick pointing at it, a little too pleased about something. I dare not comment further than that.


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