Jun 28, 2017 | Experiences, Kansai, Kobe, Osaka, Photography
The Motomachi area of Kobe seems sleepy at first glance but it’s busting to the seams with personality. As mentioned previously, Kobe kind of lives in the shadows of its bigger neighbors, at least as far as reputations go, yet it’s still part of Kansai and...
Jun 14, 2017 | Experiences, Kansai, Kobe, Osaka, Photography
The Kansai region is made up of three major cities all within about an hour of each other. Two of which,Osaka and Kyoto, tend to hog the limelight. But the third, Kobe, deserves it’s own share of praise.It’s more quiet and relaxed that the others, perhaps,...
Jun 3, 2017 | Experiences, Kansai, Kobe, Osaka, Photography
Ask most people these days where the happenin’ photo community is and there’s a better than huge chance that they’ll tell you Instagram. Ask me though and you’ll get a different answer. I get that most of my complaints about Instagram are...