Welcome to Hair Flap Central

Exploring Japan (and the world), one photo at a time.

A 'Hair Flap', You Say?

Hi, I’m Scott, a guy that keeps finding himself in Japan, be it as an exchange student, an Assistant Language Teacher on the JET Programme, or most recently just a dude with a camera. At some point I got the bright idea to share the thoughts and images that came to me while in this amazing country and that’s what this is… a blog called Hair Flap.

As to what the actual words ‘Hair Flap’ might mean, well, that’s gonna take a bit more ‘splainin’…

Recent Blog Posts

Strolling Through Kobe, With Strangers & Friends [Pt 2 of 3]

Strolling Through Kobe, With Strangers & Friends [Pt 2 of 3]

The Kansai region is made up of three major cities all within about an hour of each other. Two of which,Osaka and Kyoto, tend to hog the limelight. But the third, Kobe, deserves it's own share of praise.It's more quiet and relaxed that the others, perhaps, but it's...

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Strolling Through Kobe, With Strangers & Friends [Pt 1 of 3]

Strolling Through Kobe, With Strangers & Friends [Pt 1 of 3]

Ask most people these days where the happenin' photo community is and there's a better than huge chance that they'll tell you Instagram. Ask me though and you'll get a different answer. I get that most of my complaints about Instagram are rooted in it's roots as a...

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B-Sides: Streets of Sendai

B-Sides: Streets of Sendai

When I make a post, there's usually some kind of general theme or timeframe that ends up grouping the images into some kind of coherent collection, but there's always orphans of that process. I'll invariably end up with a few odd shots here and there that don't...

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Browse the Archives by Era


福岡県宗像郡福間町 2001-2004


東京都豊島区池袋 Spring 2015


宮城県仙台市青葉区 2015


大阪市天王寺区 2016-Present

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