The what is where, now?

The what is where, now?

In other news, class still proves to be a barrel of laughs. Today, Shiraki-sensei and I had the pleasure of teaching all about prepositions (you know: in, on, by, etc) to a group of lively first-year students. Damn, I love these kids. We were drilling them with...
MiniGallery: Bike Commute to School

MiniGallery: Bike Commute to School

Here’s the photo tour of my daily bike ride to school that I had mentioned way back when. I was originally going to show a town map outlining the journey and also show the alternate route through town that I sometime take, but I ultimately decided against it...
A Standard Teachers’ Meeting: Leprosy & Landmines

A Standard Teachers’ Meeting: Leprosy & Landmines

Sometimes I’m afraid I just don’t get the Japanese. At least not Japanese teachers anyway. It’s like they don’t have meetings because they are a necessary opportunity for people to touch base with each other and coordinate mutual efforts, but...

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