Random Music Moment: The Beastles

I obviously haven’t completed JET Review Part 2: Electric Boogaloo. If you saw how good the Trainspotting footage looked though, you’d totally forgive me. It’s schweeeeet. Anyway, I’m gonna be driving to my folks’ place In Louisiana for...

My Friend Made an Expo!

I obviously never got around to “an update before the end of the week.” Apologies to all who checked back in the hopeful belief that I was not a complete incompetent. There’s nothing I can say to make that un-bad so let’s just move along, shall...
Now Vending: The Future

Now Vending: The Future

I can’t remember when, but I’m sure I’ve sung the praises of Japanese vending machines before. Both their sheer volume (like every 10 feet it seems) and the remarkable range of products you can find in them (drinks, beer, cigarettes, cigarette...
Game Review: Reiner Knizia’s Samurai

Game Review: Reiner Knizia’s Samurai

This is one of those things that qualifies as both Japan-related and random irrelavent-ness-itude. (I deny all claims that my English has atrophied. As you can see, I can still use big word. s. ) As most of you know, one of the axioms I define reality by is Video...

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