Apr 29, 2004 | Fukuma, Photography
Today is Day 1 of my eleven-day holiday. At the beginning of May every year there’s a series of about 4 national holidays that fall right in a row that creates a nice period of vacation time that they appropriately refer to as Golden Week ’round these...
Apr 23, 2004 | Commentary, Fukuma, Rants
I think graduation day has a beef with me that it’s using to justify making my life a throbbing carnival of hell once a year. I sure don’t remember running over it’s dog or anything, but I’ve been kind of senile since my sophmore year of...
Apr 1, 2004 | Culture, Fukuma, Raves
I can’t remember when, but I’m sure I’ve sung the praises of Japanese vending machines before. Both their sheer volume (like every 10 feet it seems) and the remarkable range of products you can find in them (drinks, beer, cigarettes, cigarette...