Sep 7, 2017 | Photography, Sendai
Some shots from back in Sendai that I never got around to posting. Always a fun area brimming with activity, as it serves the local trains as well as the Shinkansen (bullet train) line which brings in people from all over the country. This one was technically taken in...
Aug 9, 2017 | Area Guides, Culture, Photography, Sendai
Yet another batch of photos from an afternoon exploring Sendai. On the occasion of this afternoon, Mary and I visited the pleasant Kamekoa Hachimangu in the hills West of Sendai proper. Now you may recall that we’ve already vistied one Hachiman shrine here on...
May 25, 2017 | Photography, Sendai
When I make a post, there’s usually some kind of general theme or timeframe that ends up grouping the images into some kind of coherent collection, but there’s always orphans of that process. I’ll invariably end up with a few odd shots here and there...
Jun 16, 2016 | Photography, Sendai
On one of Sendai’s many hillsides, there’s a very pleasant temple by the name of Rinno-ji. Mary and I wandered up there last autumn and loved the quiet stroll up the bamboo-lined steps as well as the gardens on the temple grounds. Straight off the...
May 26, 2016 | Photography, Sendai
One of these days, I’ll run out of Sendai photos. But today is not that day. :/
May 20, 2016 | Photography, Sendai
What a weird, busy week. Every day I thought it would be the day to get that “big” post I’ve been working on done and up, but every time the day had evaporated before I knew it. Where is all the time going? Anyway, I’ll be damned if I’m...