Prelude to Hanami 2017

Prelude to Hanami 2017

It’s been colder than usual, for longer than usual this year. That means that Hanami is a tad delayed. That’s fine though since I still have some photos from last year’s Sakura season to tide us over until the skies are thick with pink petals and the...
Kyoto Photos (Pt 3 of 3)

Kyoto Photos (Pt 3 of 3)

Click to view the post this photo originally appeared in.Click to view the post this photo originally appeared in.Click to view the post this photo originally appeared in.Click to view the post this photo originally appeared in.Click to view the post this photo...
Kyoto Photos (Pt 2 of 3)

Kyoto Photos (Pt 2 of 3)

PS – Turns out that they’re generally not poisonous and, as long as I’m not an insect, butterfly, or small bird(!!), chances are I was pretty safe. Who knew?
Kyoto Photos (Pt 1 of 3)

Kyoto Photos (Pt 1 of 3)

Right, so I’m pretty sure that we’ve previously established that when I say an update will be up “by tomorrow” that means, “within the next week,” right? Okay, good, I thought so. Here’s Part 1 of the Kyoto photos for your...

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